My Conversations with ChatGPT
Machine Translation (MT) and translations generated by AI have brought about a paradigm shift in the translation industry. The output of MT will continue to improve, especially when associated with clients’ translation memories and human editing. Language Service Providers are adapting and are including MT in their processes, when MT is applicable. While linguists will continue to be essential in the process, their role will shift from that of translators to validators of content generated by MT. At Excel Translations, we wanted to know what AI thinks about all of this and decided to have an open conversation on the matter with ChatGPT. I will regularly publish a question and ChatGPT’s response, uncensored.
What are some of the advantages that certain machine translation platforms will have over others?
Chat GPT’s Response:
Some advantages of certain machine translation platforms over others include better language pair coverage, larger and higher-quality training data, advanced neural network architectures, customization options, context awareness, real-time adaptation, multimodal capabilities, privacy measures, availability of APIs, post-editing support, cost-effectiveness, offline capabilities, adaptability for specific industries, interoperability, ethical safeguards, and overall translation quality. The specific advantages can vary depending on user needs and use cases.
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