As the Medical Device industry waits for the EU to fully adopt and enforce new medical device legislation, the EU Joint Plan for Immediate Actions, also known as the PIP Action Plan, continues to be implemented along with the current EU medical device legislation. The original idea was for this PIP Action Plan to be something that could be quickly implemented and serve as reinforcement to the current legislation while waiting for the new legislation to be adopted and enforced. This was not envisioned as a long-term plan nor an alternative to the new proposed legislation. Unfortunately, due to the long, drawn out legislative process, the PIP Action Plan will continue to be in place for a number of years, with no definitive end in sight. In this whitepaper, the PIP Action plan is discussed along with a “report card” about what is working and what needs improvement. Also, a new estimated timeline is provided regarding adoption and enforcement of the new medical device legislation. A link to download the official EU Commission Staff Working Document reviewing the PIP Action Plan is also provided.